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First Egg!

Remember those little balls of fluff  in the photo I posted way back in May?

Isn't this the cutest little egg?!  Each time this hen lays, the egg will get a little bigger until it is "normal" size for that breed of chicken. We don't know which one is laying but she gets a gold star!

Isn't this the cutest little egg?! Each time this hen lays, the egg will get a little bigger until it is "normal" size for that breed of chicken. We don't know which one is laying but she gets a gold star!

Well, they’re practically grown up now and yesterday I found this little gem next to their house!  YAY!

I really have to get them a nest box so they don’t get into the bad habit of laying on the ground.  I just love it when little pullets start laying — happy dancing!!

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