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Fleeces on the Hoof

Today we gave all the sheep that were sheared their CDT vaccinations and let them go back into the paddock.  There’s no reason for them to be in the barn making a bigger mess for us to clean up and they’re much happier when they’re outside.  The weather is going to be wet on and off all week so we’ll keep the woolie sheep in the barn and dry for Saturday.  Tomorrow we’ll move the boys into the barn, too. 

We have another great bunch of fibery helpers coming for the second installment and again some are experienced and others not.  I learned alot by going to other farms when I was just starting out and I’m happy to have anyone who’d like to see what it’s all about come by.  Anyway, it’s going to be a fun day.  With any luck, the weather will be a little warmer than last Saturday so everyone will be more comfortable.

pretty fleeces on the hoof

Pretty fleeces on the hoof! That's Dora peeking out of the bottom of the picture...funny girl!

Going through some old photos recently, I found this one of the sheep on summer pasture.  It’s a fun shot of the variety of colors we have in our flock.  I’d taken some coats off.  It’s good for them to get a bath every so often.  If they’re on pasture it’s likely that the fleeces will stay clean…unless there are seedy weeds, thistle or burdock there.

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