We had a wonderful shearing day with our fibery friends and neighbors who came to help us harvest our fleeces. One of our CSA members drove over 2 hours to be with us and a good time was had by all! Maybe the sheep feel a little differently about it but I do believe they’re happy to have the fleeces gone when they start to get this big. I’m so happy with the quality of the fleeces this year. These Coopworths are amazing fleece makers and never cease to amaze me…

Emily got started by shearing all the white sheep first.

Penelope jumped right in with the broom and did a terrific job keeping the shearing floor clean as a whistle.

Emily then moved on to the colored fleeces.

With many hands, the skirting went quickly! We were a mixed group of experienced and new fibery folks.

This sheep left a little poopy gift under the fleece so Penelope & I did a quick cleanup before taking the fleece to the skirting table.

Emily needed a few minutes with her babe so we took a short break for tea, coffee & Nina's homemade cheese w/crackers.

Our crew: Brian, Kelly, me, Jocelyn, Kali, Sandi (hiding behind Kali) Penelope with her trusty broom & Emily. Ina Mae has just given up her fleece & is resting on the floor. Nina is in the pen catching the next candidate & Jim is taking the photo.