By Pam, on January 22nd, 2014 Last weekend was a busy one and lots of fun! On Saturday, there was a baby shower for Rachel, our son Aaron’s partner, who is due in the beginning of March. We’re very excited about the arrival of our first grandbaby — a little girl! We don’t have many girls in our family! Rachel’s almost SIL, Holly, put the whole thing together and Rachel’s Mom [….read more]
By Pam, on December 27th, 2013 It’s definitely true that as we age time flies by faster and faster. This past year went by so fast! And the time since Thanksgiving…well, I don’t know where the heck that went. All of a sudden, it was Christmas!
It’s been a really crazy month especially weather-wise, and I think that must be part of why December is a blur. One day of clearing [….read more]
By Jim, on December 24th, 2011 Christmas Eve at Hatchtown Farm —
…and to all, a "Good night!"
Our cable internet has been half-frazzled for more than a week. Time Warner says, “Not our problem!”. Luckily for us we have enough bandwidth to keep the email coming and going along with some v.e.r.y S..L..O..W browsing of the W W W.
My best advice for the holidays is to [….read more]
By Pam, on January 2nd, 2011 I love the days between Christmas and New Year! It could well be my favorite week of the year. I get a lot done and, if only for a short time, I feel somewhat organized. I might even have time to do something new and different…or something that’s been put off for lack of the good chunk of time it requires.
The pile of mail [….read more]
By Pam, on December 26th, 2008 The boys were here for Christmas. We all survived the traditional Chinese food on Christmas eve. I love that it’s easy and we spend alot of time just talking,laughing, playing games and not alot of time cleaning up. We decided on fresh ham for our Christmas dinner and I had everything scheduled to the minute so the oven would be available for this giant 9 [….read more]