Skye, our Border Collie, celebrated his birthday on July 1 — 13 years! Most people who meet him have no idea he has (major) hip problems…he hides it well. He looks pretty darn good for a “geriatric” (according to his vet) dog. We don’t use the “g” word around here — mostly because we’re all getting there and would prefer not to think about it!
On his 13th birthday, Skye'd rather gather the sheep but Jim made him lie down to have his picture taken. Doesn't he look bored?!
We had a quiet Independence Day. Jim had come down with a nasty cold and didn’t feel like doing much in the way of running around looking for a parking spot to see the parade. The weather was actually fairly nice for most of the day so we did get a few things done outside. Of course, the minute Jim set out to move the rams into a new pasture, a thunder cell quickly moved right in over Bristol and dumped a load of rain on him. I was at that moment visiting mty friend, Nina, whose goats had just had kids — newbie kids are So cute!! [ photos — check out Nina’s blog] Thankfully, the rain was short lived. Later, we enjoyed a lovely evening with our neighbors — an impromptu supper and lots of laughing. But we skipped the trip into town for the fireworks. But as we said “good night” to the pigs and chickens, we enjoyed the sounds of local celebrations.
I woke this morning and something was missing. I couldn’t put my finger on it immediately. And then I realized…no thwip, thwip, thwip — the sound that clogged and dripping gutters make. Hmmm… it wasn’t raining…OMG! Opening my eyes, I’m delighted to find that it’s bright! Even brighter than yesterday! I’m already feeling like my batteries are charging! Might get my herb garden weeded… Woo Hoo!! I’m not sure what I should do first…Oh, right…the Cornishes come first today. By the end of this day we’ll have have many yummy chickens in the freezer. Just another day on the farm but at least it’s not grey and raining.