At this time of year, we do alot of moving…moving animals that is. The sheep groups are moved to fresh pasture about every few days and the laying hens have to move around, too, so they always have fresh greens and bugs to eat. Recently, between rain showers, we spent some quality time with our poultry friends. We used to let the hens peck around freely but we were losing too many to weasels, minks & foxes. So now we move their house to fresh food and put portable electric poultry netting around it to keep everybody safe. So far, it seems to be working. It’s a little more trouble, but so is raising hens to laying age only to lose them to a predator. BTW, weasels will kill a dozen or more chickens in a single encounter! They’re very destructive and difficult to catch.

Jim pulls the mobile hen house to a new spot so the hens will have fresh greens and bugs to munch on.
The Cornish birds have outgrown their heated space in the barn, too, so they’re moving into the greenhouse where they’ll be able to peck around outside in the grass but will still be able to get out of the weather. They really do enjoy being outdoors.

The hens have been busy in the nest boxes while they were waiting to be moved...fresh eggs!

We load up the Cornish birds and transport them to their new home.

Out of the box and into a nice big space...

The birds explore their new doesn't take them long to discover the great outdoors.