I apologize once again for the late posts. The 2 previous posts were almost done when I was overcome with preparing for Rhinebeck so I’ve just published them.
I don’t know where this past week has gone…can it really be a week since I was on the road headed for NY?! It was a great show…always so good to see old friends and meet new fibery folks! My friend and fellow Coopworth owner, Nina, came along, kept me company on the ride and helped-helped-helped in the booth! She is THE best!
The transition to the new booth space went pretty well. We weren’t able to get our new banner/sign to stick to the very cold metal wall of our booth but thanks to our neighbor, Creations by Joyce, we were able to use the back of their very hefty booth structure.

Our new space in Building B
Will have to make provisions for this in the future. Other than that…all went well. There was a steady stream of visitors to the booth and Jim’s spindles were very popular. We welcomed two new CSA members, too!
I’ve been trying really hard not to obsess about the weather but I feel like I have to mention how COLD it was this year. When I was packing my bag, I looked at the long johns in the drawer…thought about taking them and then didn’t. Actually, I based that decision on feeling that if I put them on, I’d never be able to zip my pants! Better get on that before I freeze my butt off…literally. I was happy that I remembered to pack a pair of fingerless mitts. It rained, drizzled and threatened but it didn’t keep the serious and curious from making the rounds and spirits were high.
The camera that I actually remembered to bring along hardly came out of its bag…just too dismal. But I did go by the Keep the Fleece Tent (they actually had heaters!) and took a few shots of the World’s Longest Scarf…still a work in progress.

Here's the scarf laid out on several banquet tables...it's made the circuit about six times and there are many more pieces to be added.
I looked and looked but couldn’t find the Hatchtown Farm CSA Team’s piece…a little disappointing. One of the volunteers said it probably hadn’t been joined yet. There were loads of boxes of pieces still waiting to be added! I think the weather was causing some problems as it was impossible to stretch the scarf out or even take it out of the tent but they’d made a valiant effort to display as much of the scarf as they could…they’d put a bunch of banquet tables together and then the scarf was layed out at least six times around and it was growing every minute! I’ll be checking in regularly at Keep the Fleece to see what’s happening.

Just a few of the boxes of scarf sections waiting to be attached

This volunteer is joining scarf sections.

This fairgoer has donated a few rows and will sit and knit for a little while...in the heated tent!

This volunteer is knitting rows that have been donated by sponsors...she was busy all day!
Gad – everyone looks very cold in your Rhinebeck photos. I’m sorry that you didn’t find the Fiber CSA scarf in the bunch – it would have been nice to see. I’ll have to check their website for photos. I understand about the long johns (er, pant zipping) problem. My arthritis has gotten so bad that I’m not walking and exercising and as a result, very few of my pants still zip up! I’m getting a new hip November 9th – hopefully, I’ll be walking and exercising again by Christmas (diet is die with a ‘t’ on the end – but I may need to to get the zippers working again!)
Stay warm!
Thanks for reminding me to check in at Keep the Fleece! I hope we’ll catch a glimpse of our piece at some point. Congrats on the new hip…you’re gonna love it. A friend just got her 2nd one and she’s a new woman…doing the happy dance now that she can! And once you get moving again, you’ll be zipping up with ease. I need to stop eating bread and potatoes with all the fixings…ugh!