I’m really excited. After years — yes, YEARS! — we’re finally putting together a “shop” to display and sell the little, wooden thingies I turn out in the barn. Pam noticed that a good friend, Michele Michael, is using an online “shop” powered by a neat little outfit called Big Cartel.
I’m uploading photos and descriptions of a bunch of fresh-from-the-shop Nøstepindes as well as spindles that came home with us after the NETA Spa down in Freeport.
Glad to hear it! Hope it all goes smoothly.
I believe I spoke with your wife at the NYS Sheep and Wool Festival. She would have been on the south side of the east end of building 22, upper level. I had discussed having an orifice hook made by you, but using my wire (either rose gold or copper) as the metal for the hook itself. So sorry it took this long to contact you, but we live oceanfront in Long Beach, NY and Superstorm Sandy took a mighty toll on us. I remember, if this is the right vendor, beautiful carvings and one of a black wood in particular. I would like to see the woods you use and discuss an orifice hook and possibly a diz hook as well. Please contact me if your wife remembers this at all. Thank you in advance for your time.
“…south side of the east end of building 22, upper level” Hey Janet- I think of the Hatchtown Farm booth as being the first booth on the left as one enters Bldg 22’s Upper Level from the main “drag”, but I’m pretty sure we’re all on the same page.
Turning you an Orfook™ handle and installing your wire in same would totally be something I could/would enjoy doing — wouldn’t a diz hook have to be fairly tough? Re the wood to be used: it sounds like it may have been African Blackwood that caught your eye. BLACK / no visible grain (think clarinets). If you’re looking for additional suggestions I’ll need you to be a little specific. Maybe start by prioritizing this list from most to least important: 1) native US, 2) grain/figure, 3) dramatic color, 4) dark, 5) light.
If you like, go ahead and mail me a few pieces of your wire so I can get my thinking engaged.
BTW, hope there’s a silver lining somewhere in your Superstorm Sandy situation. I was born in Mineola Hospital and have fond memories of going to Guy Lombardo’s East Point House in Freeport for shrimp and chips as a kid so am no stranger to your “neighborhood”.
Jim, the Spindleguy @ Hatchtown
So sorry in the lag time writing back. I was given notice of a job on a reservation in SD, spent an intensive week of doing nothing but paperwork for credentialing and am now out here for 7 days. Assignment is for at least 5 weeks, so will be a while before I can proceed with my hooks.