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In any “normal” shepherding year, we’re very done waiting by now. I mean, the waiting for lambs to arrive. There’s that anticipation — that butterflies-in-the-stomach kind of excitement — associated with lambing…until the flood of lambs begins. I kind of feel that way now as I wait for the flood of boxes filled with fiber to arrive from the mill. I know it’ll be wonderful        [….read more]


So the past couple of days haven’t been the best weather-wise… grey, drizzily, raw and just generally pretty miserable. I think this qualifies as one of those 2 steps forward, 1 step back moments. While I’ve had to abandon the idea of playing outside, I’ve been a busy bee in the barn. I’ve been working on batching fleeces to go to the mill and I’m        [….read more]

Our Harvest – Part 1

We had a wonderful shearing day with our fibery friends and neighbors who came to help us harvest our fleeces. One of our CSA members drove over 2 hours to be with us and a good time was had by all! Maybe the sheep feel a little differently about it but I do believe they’re happy to have the fleeces gone when they start to        [….read more]

CSA Fair

here I am at the CSA fair

This was a really cool statewide event that was organized with the help of the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association. There were venues spotted around all over the state and when I saw that there was going to be one very close by, I leaped at the chance to get involved. I packed up a        [….read more]

White Christmas…let’s not overdo it!

This is the first day of winter and already we’ve had more than enough snow. It can stop now! It’ll be nice to have a white Christmas but we don’t need 3 feet to make everything white! It seems like so much of our time is spent moving snow around these days that neither of us is being very productive in the tool or fiber        [….read more]