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december flew by

It’s definitely true that as we age time flies by faster and faster. This past year went by so fast! And the time since Thanksgiving…well, I don’t know where the heck that went. All of a sudden, it was Christmas!

It’s been a really crazy month especially weather-wise, and I think that must be part of why December is a blur. One day of clearing        [….read more]


Look what a chicken carcass got us!

He may look cute and innocent but believe me…raccoons are ruthless killers.

He has been relocated. YAY!

We’ll continue to bait the trap, though, just in case he happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I doubt that’s the case though.


Posted with Blogsy        [….read more]

always learning…

These are my Dark Days Challenge meals for weeks 3 & 4…

Week 3 — braised lamb with beans — was a dinner that promised to be quite tasty but I kind of rushed the beans a bit and grossly underestimated the amount of liquid the beans would need to cook properly. It wasn’t a total disaster because I discovered the need for more liquid        [….read more]


It’s my favorite meal of the day… but only when someone else makes it! I don’t eat a good one nearly often enough because I’m too lazy to make it but the Canadian bacon that we’d be given was calling to me and I was inspired. This is what I cooked up…

A 3 egg omelette — pullet size eggs by Hatchtown hens — with        [….read more]

Ninety + Days…

On Columbus Day weekend, I heard myself saying to some visitors, “We have a farm blog. Well, actually, I haven’t posted for a while.” After they left I checked… July?! O-MY! Then I was bogged down with preparing for the trip to Rhinebeck. And then there was…well, who knows…just days that go by. Believe me when I say I’m not sitting around sipping champers and        [….read more]