Here's Nina milking one of her goats...they're just the sweetest girls an their milk is YUM!
Our local craft guild had their annual open house today. I had to clean up and organize the yarn & rovings in the studio which is always a good thing and I had to bake -ugh! I’m not a baker…hate making cookies. But I made some pumpkin spice cookies that turned out pretty well. The recipe made way too many and now we’re going to have to eat them! I also made the shortbread that everyone raves about…me included. Its the best! Our friend and meat customer, Emelie Tolley stopped by and we chatted about shortbread, the various types, additions to & methods of construction. She’s writing a new book and shortbread will have a place in it. (Check out her books at amazon.com) Fresh local cider, fruit and kiwi berries (from our veggie CSA) rounded out the table. A fair number of people came by and some repeat customers, too. My very good friend Nina, fellow Coopworth shepherdess and cheesemaker extraordinaire came by, too, and kept me company. She brought some fantastic chevre that she makes from her LaMancha goat milk. Can’t get enough of it! This goat’s milk is the highest in butterfat and the chevre is soooo creamy — and the flavor! YUM! Now I can start packing for Rhinebeck.