By Pam, on July 29th, 2013 A week ago, I was just settling back into the real world after 4 glorious days away with 4 of my fiber buddies. We took a little fibery vacation to Vinalhaven, a beautiful island off the Maine coast and just over an hour’s ride on the ferry.
We were goofing around before we even got off the ferry! The weather was breezy and far cooler [….read more]
By Jim, on August 3rd, 2011 !! Fiber !! Fiber !! Fiber !! Fiber !!
Check out the Hatchtown page at the Maine Fiberarts website.
Fri., Sat. & Sun. August 5, 6 & 7 10 am — 5 pm
Hatchtown Farm is either No. 67 or No. 15 Now, if you have the large, glossy Tour Map that Maine Fiberarts printed up a couple of years [….read more]
By Pam, on August 2nd, 2009 In the last week, the studio has been taken over by boxes of fiber arriving from the mill. I’m not complaining — anything fiber is a good thing! It’s been fun weighing the roving and packing it into bags for our shareholders. The yarn shares took far less time to label and pack but were equally as fun to do. All I can say is [….read more]
By Pam, on July 13th, 2009 In any “normal” shepherding year, we’re very done waiting by now. I mean, the waiting for lambs to arrive. There’s that anticipation — that butterflies-in-the-stomach kind of excitement — associated with lambing…until the flood of lambs begins. I kind of feel that way now as I wait for the flood of boxes filled with fiber to arrive from the mill. I know it’ll be wonderful [….read more]
By Pam, on May 8th, 2009 Here it is Friday and I’m finally sitting down to write about Maryland. I haven’t a clue where the week has gone and on top of that, I just realized that two posts I did before I left weren’t published…ugh…guess I must’ve been more panicked than I thought!
Because I spend far too much time obsessing about the weather, I’ll sum up the festival weather [….read more]