roses past
We’re back in the deep freeze now but last week… when you could actually take your gloves off for a few moments…I had the chance to take some photos around the farm.
old maple has survived so far
fresh water for wild critters
roses past
We’re back in the deep freeze now but last week… when you could actually take your gloves off for a few moments…I had the chance to take some photos around the farm.
old maple has survived so far fresh water for wild critters
Just in case we might forget what it’s like to be without, we’ve been getting reminders…a few hours here and there without power over the last couple of days. Thankfully, the outages have been during daylight hours so at least its easier to be productive. Have spent some time catching up on sheep records and other paperwork. And the temps have been warm enough that [….read more] |
Hatchtown Farm — Pam & Jim Child —
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