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Canoe Re-do

Jim’s Grandfather bought a brand new Old Town canoe in 1926 and for many years it was stored in the barn of the family homestead. Neither of us remembers exactly when it came to live with Jim’s Mother but when she was downsizing, it was given to us for safe keeping. It was in pretty sad shape, so we found someone who would fix it        [….read more]

Making Progress in the Car Department

here's Jim hacking away at Mount Hatchtown…again!

Finally, we seem to be moving ahead with repairs to the car. It took a while for the insurance company to take a look at it because of yet another snow “event.” Living with one vehicle has been OK so far but the truck is so darn big in the parking lots in town. They’ve been        [….read more]

Tired of Cold & Dark

I’ll apologize before I even get started because I’m going to do a little whining here. We lost power again on 12/11 and didn’t get it back until 12/14. This has been happening more regularly lately and its getting very old. We have a small generator that we use to keep the fridge cold and we cook on the gas grill and lobster burner but        [….read more]