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She’s Back!!

The car is back…all fixed and pretty! And the one perk of having it spend a good part of the winter at the auto body shop is that when it comes back, its been detailed! Smells like new, too — what fun! I’m so happy!!

Making Progress in the Car Department

here's Jim hacking away at Mount Hatchtown…again!

Finally, we seem to be moving ahead with repairs to the car. It took a while for the insurance company to take a look at it because of yet another snow “event.” Living with one vehicle has been OK so far but the truck is so darn big in the parking lots in town. They’ve been        [….read more]

Big Oops!

Today I had a new driving experience…adventure? I was on my way to an appointment and went off the road. Coming up to an intersection, I began skidding on the icy road and ended up down a really steep embankment…Jim says about 50 degrees. Thankfully, some trees stopped the car before it reached the river at the bottom. I wasn’t moving very fast so the        [….read more]