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WooHoo Moo!

Back in January, I posted about our visit to the Ag Show.  One thing that we found there really excited us — MOO Milk.  The MOO stands for “Maine’s Own Organic.”  We waited and watched our market’s cooler and when it arrived, we snatched it right up.  We’ve been enjoying it for over a month now.  Honestly…we don’t drink massive amounts of milk.  Neither of us drinks milk in a glass…we use it in coffee and tea and Jim has some in his cereal sometimes (otherwise he has yogurt).  Still — we can have an opinion, right?  So…

Maine's MOOMilk

MOO Milk is a "regular" in our fridge now. YUM!

It’s a bit more expensive than the organic “store brand” we can buy but it’s competitive with the other local brands.  It’s easy to spend a little more because this milk is local AND really delicious.  The milk we were buying (which came in returnable glass bottles — which we like) was very tasty but there’s something about the MOO milk that’s different.  MOO isn’t ultra-pasteurized…could that be it?  I don’t know enough about that process.  Anybody out there…help?  But maybe it’s just simply what the cows are eating.  We know that makes a difference in all that we grow.

The other thing that motivates  us to buy MOO is that 90% of profits go to the farmers — Yea!!

For more on MOO Milk…

We hear that MOO Milk is doing well. Fingers crossed for their continued success and growth. We also hope that this will become a model for producers in other states.

My Jungle

We feel like we're living in the jungle!

We feel like we're living in a jungle!

Three days ago I could see out this window while I stood at the kitchen sink — Yes! I said THREE!  The bamboo has taken over what used to be the perfect little kitchen herb garden I had growing below the window…it was so convenient, with full sun and all the herbs I really use all the time.  ARGH!  Now there are a few chives that have fought valiantly to keep their spot and a few sprigs of the ever persistent lemon balm. Some would call the lemon balm a “weed” because it can be invasive but hey! it’s still there despite the bamboo…  I applaud the balm!

Today I do battle — sharpening the machete — I will brave the bugs because we have to turn the lights on in the kitchen during the day now!  OMG!  Is there anything else that grows like this?!  I wish I could find a use for this stuff…

News of Maryland

Here it is Friday and I’m finally sitting down to write about Maryland.  I haven’t a clue where the week has gone and on top of that, I just realized that two posts I did before I left weren’t published…ugh…guess I must’ve been more panicked than I thought!

Because I spend far too much time obsessing about the weather, I’ll sum up the festival weather report in one word — WET! — and now we can move on to more enjoyable topics.

The ACR booth was well stocked with glorious Coopworth fiber and I really had to work at not buying one of everything.

Deb, Kris & Nina at the ACR booth.

Deb, Kris & Nina at the ACR booth.

What I did come home with was a couple of small bags of dyed roving (Martha M) and a sweet needle felted sheep (Deb M) for my collection.  I really wanted to bring home a few of Kris B‘s handmade sheep cards but never got around to choosing which ones…good thing I know how to find her!   At other booths I found some lovely yarn for a Lynne Vogel pattern that I really like, a skein of small farm (Suffolk/Dorset) sock yarn from Solitude — love what they’re doing for their local wool growers — and some dyes to play with.  At Spinner’s Hill, I found a pair of socks I couldn’t leave behind and at Kiparoo Wool,  a pair of fingerless mitts for Jim.  I know…I could knit these but the fact is that I probably wouldn’t so…now he has a pair. In my wanderings, I ran into old friends and chatted with total stangers while waiting in various lines.  I stuffed myself full of fresh squeezed lemonade, leg of lamb sandwiches and kettle corn and fell into bed on Saturday night after a dinner of a few slices of cheddar cheese, a handful of peanut M&M’s and a half glass of wine…exhausted!

We tried to get some enthusiasm for the World’s Longest Scarf project going at the booth but it was difficult — the weather kept us from being able to set up a comfy spot for people to rest their bones while knitting a row or two.

World's Longest Scarf project @ MDS&W 2009

This young lady is knitting a row on the World's Longest Scarf. This is the first fiber festival she's ever been to. What a great memory for her to take home!

Between showers, we managed to get a few people to knit a bit, tho.  What’s this Longest Scarf thing?  As part of the celebration of the International Year of Natural Fibres, teams around the world will knit sections of the World’s Longest Scarf that will all be joined together at the New York Sheep & Wool Festival Oct. 17-18, 2009.  The goal is to raise $250,000.00 that Heifer Intenational will use to donate fleece-bearing animals of all kinds to needy families all around the world.  Heifer not only donates the animals, but provides the necessary training so that the families can nurture and grow their herds and become self-sufficient.  The money will be raised by donation of $1.00 per row knitted/crocheted or  $10.00 per inch woven/felted.


Letty showed us what to check for.

Letty showed us what to check for.

At the ACR’s annual meeting on Saturday night, we talked about all the usual stuff but the best part was a Conformation Clinic that Martha arranged with Letty Klein.  We went into the sheep barns where we were able to get some hands on experience. Letty was delightful and so knowledgeable.  I learned some new points and have been looking at my sheep in a whole new way!

More Festival news coming soon…


Happier Hens

eggs of many colors

These eggs are pretty and yummy, too!

The chickens are definitely liking the warmer, longer days.  We seem to be getting a few more eggs than we were during the winter.  Some of our hens are “unimproved” breeds so they have a tendency to turn off the egg making gear when the weather is cold and the days are short.  Jim’s been looking around for a battery powered timer that we can use in the mobile henhouse.  Sometimes its just not close enough to a power source to rig up a light.  Anyway, the girls are laying beauties for us and our local friends to enjoy!

Bunny’s Big Day

Even when we’re not having a big family gathering, we like to help the Easter bunny.

Making color and pretty eggs.

Making color and pretty eggs.

We dye at least a dozen eggs and everyone in the family has one specially designed by Jim or me. We started this when the boys were little and its just sort of stuck because we always have so much fun with it.  When it’s just the 2 of us, though, we end up eating alot of eggs!!!