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Counting Down

We gathered all the ewes and moved them into the barn today — twice. The weather has been every kind of wet imaginable so we decided to get the ewes under cover in preparation for shearing on Saturday. Moving them from their winter digs into the big barn (some distance away) isn’t that much of a big deal but it does take some planning. We’ve        [….read more]

Getting Ready for the Big Day

Shearing is coming right up and we’ve been getting the barn and holding pen ready. It’s really in pretty good shape for the most part but there’s one spot where there’s quite a thick layer of poopy straw on the floor. It’s where Tatum and Bubba spent their quarantine so that needs to go and we’ll put a good layer of lime down before the        [….read more]

More of the Same

Just in case we might forget what it’s like to be without, we’ve been getting reminders…a few hours here and there without power over the last couple of days. Thankfully, the outages have been during daylight hours so at least its easier to be productive. Have spent some time catching up on sheep records and other paperwork. And the temps have been warm enough that        [….read more]

What About the Boys

teenage rams, HT Jenks & HT Reece

I haven’t spent any time talking about the rams. It’s not because we don’t pay any attention to them. They’re really very funny and sweet. At this time of year, Jim spends more time with them than I do because of the division of chores. I deal with the hens on a daily basis and he        [….read more]

Making Progress in the Car Department

here's Jim hacking away at Mount Hatchtown…again!

Finally, we seem to be moving ahead with repairs to the car. It took a while for the insurance company to take a look at it because of yet another snow “event.” Living with one vehicle has been OK so far but the truck is so darn big in the parking lots in town. They’ve been        [….read more]